Kingswinford Townswomen's Guild

The guild met in the Community Centre on February 13. There were several members absent.Those present dutifully paid their annual membership subscriptions. A short silence was held in memory of Dot Pearsall who died recently. Flowers provided by Sue Wilson included two heart shaped lollipops in a nod to St. Valentine's Day. These were offered as an extra raffle prize. The speaker was Alan Peace who warned us of the perils of working with animals and children. He was thanked by Chris Moy. Various groups announced their plans for the next few weeks . It was pointed out that one of the luncheon club venues had changed .Members were asked to check that there names were on the list for the Arboretum outing . The Federation Report was read out. Raffle prizes were won by Mavis James and Sally Fowler. June and Marion volunteered to wash up. Members were asked to consider joining the committee at the Annual General Meeting next month as one member will be resigning due to difficult circumstances .