Members were welcomed to the November meeting by the chairman, Helen Greenway. She thanked members for donations for the boxes to be filled for the “Samaritan’s Purse” project. The guild harvest supper had been enjoyed by guests and members alike, when Ken Gilkes entertained by reading his own poems with a theme of harvest and autumn. The secretary and treasurer gave their monthly reports, and the Federation report was given by Joyce Knotts.

Two former members of the Federation, Margaret Davies and Joan Oakley, had recently died and representatives had attended both funerals. Attention was drawn to the carol service to be held on December 14 in St Thomas’ Church at 2.15pm. Friends are welcome. A St George’s Day event is to be held in Wollaston Village Hall on April 23 at a cost of £7 to include a fish and chip lunch. The recent outing to Chatsworth to see the Christmas decorations was very successful, and Helen was thanked for its arrangement. The ramblers have recently visited the Barnett Hill area, Ashwood and Kinver Edge.

The raffle winners were Rosemary Bell and Barbara Pearcey. David Berry gave a talk on retirement and the humour to be found in it. The Christmas lunch will be on December 9 at the Foley Arms – 12 for 12.30pm.

There will be no meeting in January and the February meeting will be on February 24 and will be in the lounge when the Ifikara Bakery Project will be the subject of the talk to be given by Mr and Mrs Schellenberg. Visitors will be made very welcome.