Chairman Pauline Roberts welcomed the president and members to the November meeting. She welcomed a new member Dorothy Trice.

The meeting started on a very sad note, Pauline announced the sudden death of committee member Megan Hingley. Megan had been on the committee for 12 years and during that time had sent reports of our meetings to the Stourbridge News, she also kept our scrapbook up to date. Members stood for one minute’s silence to remember Megan who will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

There was a collection in aid of Mary Stevens Hospice.

After reports of social section meeting dates, the speaker for the evening was then introduced. A welcome return to the guild of Sue Clegg. her talk and slides were entitled “Waterbourne in the Grenadines”. Sue had achieved her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and volunteered to go to the Caribbean with other gold winners to assist the local youth population in their pursuit of gaining their gold awards. Groups were taken to uninhabited islands to survive with a very bare minimum of food and essentials.

The experience was quite traumatic at times but a very worthwhile experience.

The vote of thanks was given by Elaine Pickersgill.

The raffle winners were Mary Taylor and Jean Evanson.

The competition winner of a seascape picture was Pat Newhall.