Stourbridge Ladies Society

On January 26, chair person Pat Brompton welcomed 32 members and 5 visitors to our AGM. She thanked everyone for their support in 2015 and looked forward to an interesting and enjoyable new year.

A varied selection of speakers had been obtained and those, together with entertainment, a chocolate demonstration, quizzes and an origami workshop, promise to be interesting to all.

The outings organised for 2016 are a selection chosen from members' own suggestions and include luncheons, teas, a safari park visit, a day at the seaside and other places of interest.

During the general discussion that followed, an appeal was made for new committee members. The raffle was then held and refreshments were served.

The next meeting will be on February 23 at 2pm when we shall be holding an annual bring and buy.

For more information, ring Mildred Hall on 01384 288841.