Bridford Wood, Moretonhampstead, Devon

Guide price

Approximately 17.60 acres (7.12 Hectares) of clear felled Sitka spruce subject to felling licence 018/414/16-17 to be restocked via natural regeneration by 30th June 2023 by planting/sowing by 30th June 2024 (details available)


With stoned access, in all approximately 17.60 acres (7.12 hectares). We understand a private Right of Way to exist to the North over the route approximately coloured brown on the plan


The land is freehold and offered with vacant possession upon completion.


At any reasonable time. Please respect the countryside code at all times.


Any remaining growing timber is included in the sale of the freehold at no extra cost.


The sporting rights are in hand and are included in the sale of the freehold.


Miss Webb, Howard Pollok and Webb Solicitors, 7 Princes Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1AZ. Tel 01603 660051


LOT 2 - £150,000 - £180,000


Teignbridge District Council - 01626 361101

Dartmoor National Park - 01626 832093

RPA and Forestry Commission - 0300 020 0301

For clarification we wish to inform prospective purchasers/tenants that we have prepared these particulars as a general guide. We have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances and specific fittings. Room sizes should not be relied upon for carpets and furnishings. If there are any important matters, which are likely to affect your decision to buy/rent, please contact us before viewing the property.

Pughs, for themselves and for the vendors or Lessors of this property, whose Agents they are, give notice that these particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract. No person in the employment of the agent has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

01531 248066


Newmarket House, Market Street, Ledbury, Herefordshire

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