I had to get out of bed at 7.30 rather sharpishif I was to meet the appointments that had been made from 8.30 onwards. At this point I was frightened to wake Richard up as he had also had a long journey plus having to help me and the problems with the power chair at the airport, but he was also awake and managed to get me out of bed and both managed to get showered and at 8.30 prompt the door was knocked by a nurse , Doctor Woo went through my medical history just after Doctor Woo had left Doctor Zhang came with his delegation of students under and a series of medical examinations on all limbs were undertaken. No sooner had they left then the door went again and a phlebotomist attended to undertake a series of blood samples for examination and blood matching. Within another 5 minutes of her leaving then Camellia came who is a patient liaison nurse, who explained to us all that was going to go ahead and what was going to happen that day and about money exchange etc. We were promptly taken down to the second floor where I undertook ECG, MRI scans eye tests and Cardiac Doppler examinations which took us through to 5.30pm, we were both absolutely exhausted. After been pinched and poked and all sorts after all the examinations that I had undertaken and all in the middle of me and me and Richard suffering from jetlag I was understandably suffering the anxiety of being in a strange place, nothing being where I am used to it being, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. We went for something to eat at the hospital restaurant which is on the ground floor as we were by this time absolutely ravenous . We noted on our travels through the hospital the complete lack of wheelchairs and have had an audience looking over own power chair almost in disbelief as they had never seen anything like it before. It was from this point that I realised just how lucky I was!