My get up and go seemed to have escaped me today and my arm exercises with the weight bar seemed even harder this morning even though the weight was the same. Never the less Richard kept pushing until I continued on the limb table. Here Judy after massaging my arms connected a muscle stimulator on my left arm which sent an electric current through to my wrist in a bid to get my fingers stretched out right. I had to put my own effort in as well whilst Judy continued to massage my leg muscles. The machine seemed to go on forever and actually measured how far my fingers were stretching out. I went on to try and do some pull ups and by the end I was both physically and mentally drained and completely fatigued. I returned to my room to try and rest before my afternoon acupuncture and leg muscle stimulation. I said try because every 10 minutes someone was coming in to do blood pressure, temperature etc, so turned out to be a lost cause! Went into OT for some further work on my hands but by this time had lost the plot and my energy levels had plummeted. I think I had been worked too hard in the morning session but I'm sure with rest overnight I will feel the benefit! I only have one session of rehab tomorrow as my bone marrow Stem Cells are being injected into my spinal cavity so will be on my back most of the day. Thanks again for all the comments and encouragement, believe me they're keeping me strong!