YOUNG Wordsley schoolchildren with disabilities will be given a new year treat thanks to Happy Days children’s charity.

Children from Pens Meadow School will be treated to a day trip to Wolverhampton Grand Theatre on January 11 to see a fun-filled performance of pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk.

The day has been organised by national charity Happy Days which works to help children with special needs to enjoy day trips and holidays.

Happy Days community fundraiser Suffia Shah said: “We were able to support over 23,000 children and their families last year alone, but we couldn’t have done this without the amazing help of our volunteers and fundraisers.

"So we’d love to hear from anyone who would like to get involved and support our work. Our holidays, day trips, workshops and performances are a lifeline to children across the UK providing them with happiness and hope as well as important social and developmental skills.

"We help families caring for children with life-limiting conditions, disabilities, abused children and young carers and would encourage anyone in the area that would benefit from a respite break to get in touch.”

For more information about the charity call 01582 651234, email or visit