BRIERLEY Hill businesses will have chance to forge new connections through a networking group hosted by Metro Bank.

Sterling Networks, which has 21 networking groups across the Midlands, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and the South West, is launching a new Brierley Hill group on Wednesday September 9 for business leaders in the town and wider West Midlands.

Hosted by Metro Bank, the new group will be launched virtually via video conferencing tool, Zoom, and will offer professionals in the area chance to build relationships that could help increase revenue and overcome the challenges presented by COVID-19.

The first Brierley Hill meeting will take place on Wednesday September 9, from 7am via Zoom, and the group will meet fortnightly - offering participants chance to showcase their businesses through dedicated speaker slots and educational sessions.

Neil Davis, managing director of Sterling Networks, said: “We are incredibly excited about the launch of our new Brierley Hill networking group and the opportunity it will bring for professionals across the town.

“This is one of many Sterling groups that will be hosted by Metro Bank, providing the opportunity for members to regularly engage with a Metro Bank representative, who can offer financial guidance and advice both during and following this challenging time.

“With only a short wait until the group launch, we already have confirmed members and welcome any interested parties to join us virtually to see how Sterling operates.”

Founded in 2014 by husband and wife business duo, Neil and Tracey Davis, Sterling Networks has become one of the UK’s leading networking organisation - boasting more than 300 members.

Anyone interested in attending the Brierley Hill meeting can find out more online at