SIR – Your feature (An aroma that still lingers, September 11), demonstrates what a special place Worcestershire sauce has in the heart of anyone who grew up in Worcester or calls Worcester home.

It was invented in Worcester, is still made in Worcester and we know how to pronounce it and cook with it!

It is a huge pity that the current owners of the factory, Heinz UK, don’t want to have anything to do with the city that gave birth to the sauce. The management don’t seem to respond to any contact from local organisations, councillors or residents. So there is no engagement with economic development, visitor attraction, schools, history or community.

What is even worse, Lea & Perrins is actually a bad neighbour.

As one of the ward councillors, I have had to repeatedly pursue complaints about excessive noise at all hours of the night.

The latest issue is unnotified cutting down of plants growing in adjoining gardens. The only communication coming out of the factory seems to be when they want a change to highway access or planning permission.

What a shame that this iconic brand has been captured by a corporate giant and lost contact with the people who love it.

Lynn Denham

Councillor, Cathedral ward