AN appeal has been launched to shed light on the life of a Stourbridge airman who was killed in France during the Second World War.

Sergeant Albert Millman was just 21-years-old when his plane crashed near the village of Routes in Normandy in 1942.

He was one of three English pilots from 418 Squadron RCAF who were killed when their Douglas Boston aircraft struck trees and crashed into two houses on the evening of September 7.

Miraculously, the inhabitants survived, but Sgt Millman died alongside his comrades Sgt Sydney Williams, and P/O James McClafferty.

Now, a French man who works to honour the memory of those who lost their lives in the war, is appealing to find out more about Sergeant Millman.

Christian Diepedalle, who is from Rouen in Normandy, writes booklets about the Allied airmen who died in France during the war.

The 72-year-old details their lives with information and photos to create a lasting tribute to the pilots, but his search for information on Sergeant Millman has reached a dead end.

He creates the books in memory of his father, who was part of the French Resistance.

All he knows is that Sgt Millman was from Stourbridge and when he died.

He told the News: “For many years I have been writing booklets on Allied airmen who fell in France during the War. I also do illustrations that I give to the families of veterans. I do this work on a voluntary basis for town halls or associations, in tribute to the aviators and to my father who experienced this painful period.

“This allows the inhabitants of the villages where these planes fell during the War, to better know these young boys who died for the freedom of our two countries.

Stourbridge News: Sgt Millman's grave stone at the Franco-British cemetery of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux in northern France.Sgt Millman's grave stone at the Franco-British cemetery of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux in northern France.

“For this crew, it's sad because it's like they didn't exist, I have very little about them. I couldn't find their families or photos. It was their very first mission. They left one evening and they never came back.”

Sgt Millman is buried at the Franco-British cemetery of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux in France and his grave states that he had a sister.

Mr Diepedalle contacted the News with the hope that Sgt Millman may have surviving relatives in Stourbridge that may be able to provide more information and photos of Sgt Millman.

He added: “We would like to be able to put faces on these boys who fought for the freedom of our countries.”

Anyone with information should contact Mr Diepedalle on