
I was concerned to read about the body of a headless cat being found in Kidderminster and the possibility that he may have been killed by a vehicle or worse (Appeal after headless cat body found, December 16).

This sad incident should be a reminder that such death and suffering to cats and heartbreak for those who care for them could easily be avoided if the cats were kept as indoor animals and not allowed to roam.

This would not only save the lives of the cats, but also of the many birds and other wild creatures they kill when they are allowed outdoors.

Some may claim that it is not natural to keep cats indoors, but the outside world in this country, with all the traffic, cat-haters and other dangers, is an equally unnatural world for creatures that are not native to this country and originated in the arid lands of the Near East.

I have a number of rescued cats who are perfectly happy living indoors, as I provide them with plenty of toys, climbers and several litter trays.

Increasingly, cat welfare organisations are advising people to keep their moggies indoors and I would urge everyone who cares about their cats to heed this advice.

Jane Hargreaves


This year I had a news letter from the local Conservative councillors saying what they had achieved for the town of Stourport, they say one million pounds was invested by they Conservative led council at the Hoobrook island, what they do not say is, and not said for years is how much investment is being put into Stourport town centre.

What they have achieved in the last 4 yrs is absolute chaos, when the doctors in York st and Worcester st become move out and these buildings become vacant lets hope those councillors do not get involved in any dicision making about these buildings otherwise we will have more chaos to deal with,the heart of our town is it,s people do they and mark garnier honestly think they represent the interests of the people of stourport, if they do, its time for them to go, enough is enough,

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