This week our teenage columnist Olivia Harris questions if the younger generation is heard by politicians

In a time where opinions within politics are so vital, do we actually get a say in anything?

As a teenager over the past few years there have been quite a few mainstream topics and debates that have possibly affected us on a large scale.

With the voting age being 18, it sometimes feels as if more could be done to integrate the opinions of the teenagers into the politicians’ final decisions.

If shops ask for customer service feedback, why can’t the government start a similar option for teenagers within schools? 

Sharing our opinions through feedback forms and suggestion boxes collected in schools, could be a way of making politics more accessible to those of a younger age, but could also set up a future of a younger voice being shared. 

Many topics regarding education cannot be fully understood unless you’re in the position of that teenager, in that classroom, five days a week. 

Even though the younger generation might not have a justified opinion on everything, I think a lot of us would love the opportunity to feel as if we have contributed to perhaps a better future.

Plus, with social media being so quick and easy to use, having our say now would be easier than ever. 

What do you think? Should the government start introducing opinion and feedback options into the school curriculum to make having our say more accessible?

Should we be asked to contribute another way? Or should no feedback be taken from teenagers?