PLANS to convert a Stourbridge arts and craft shop into a bar have been given the go-ahead.

The Fave Rave shop on Lower High Street at the corner of Queen Street will be converted into a bar by The Crafty Jar Ltd.

It will take over the ground floor and basement of 161, Lower High Street, with nine tables accommodating 40 customers on the ground floor.

There will be a display area in the basement for customers to view the barrels and pumps and see how they feed up to the bar as well as toilets and store/staffroom facilities.

One objection was submitted to Dudley Council with concerns over Lower High Street containing a much higher percentage of residential properties to High Street; noise and nuisance; smokers congregating on the pavement and high levels of anti-social behaviour close to the area.

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But council planners said: "There is insufficient justification on noise grounds to recommend this application for refusal in this location, but the hours of opening should be controlled by condition to prevent late night and early morning disturbance to residents in the vicinity.

"The site is currently some distance from any residential properties.

"Approval has been granted for the conversion of the nearby building at 164, Lower High Street into a 14 bedroom HMO.

"These works appear to be currently taking place."

The bar will be allowed to open from 11am till 11pm every day, except Sundays when it will close at 10.30pm for a temporary 12-month period so that council officers can assess whether the opening hours are acceptable.

Planners stated: "The Head of Environmental Safety and Health raises no objection neither do the West Midlands Police.

"It is hoped the venue would contribute to both the daytime and the night-time economy of Stourbridge thereby assisting the vitality and viability of the town centre."