RESIDENTS are invited to have their say on how they and the council can work to tackle climate change.

Dudley Council has launched the Your Borough, Your Future survey to seek people's views on what they think the council should be doing and what individuals could do to help the authority achieve its net zero carbon target by 2050.

The survey is asking for people's views on their priorities and where they feel changes can be made to council services to reduce the carbon impact and the responses will be used to help shape the council's climate action plan.

It also asks what changes to daily life residents would be willing to make.

The survey runs until November 18. It can be completed online by going to

It can also be completed on computers at borough libraries where library staff will be able to help, if needed.

Councillor Rob Clinton, Dudley's cabinet member responsible for climate change, said: "We are committed to playing our part in reducing our carbon footprint and tackling climate change. The climate is changing and so must we.

"But we know achieving net zero requires us all to work together and will involve changes to the way we live and how the council delivers services.

"That’s why we want to understand what’s working for residents now and how we can make changes for the future.

"I hope residents will get involved. This is a chance for people to say what kind of borough they would like to live in.

"Their views are crucial in helping us to build on the steps we have already taken as we shape the best services possible for us all, for our environment and our future."

Parents and carers can help their local primary school win a hot composter by completing the survey.