PEOPLE can book their appointment at the next pop-up tip in Dudley after the “tremendous success” of the first one.

The booking system for the facility at Lister Road on Saturday November 19 is now live.

The scheme has been extended to allow mattresses and furniture following the success of the launch earlier this month. More than 40 extra slots have been added for people to use as well.

To book an appointment go to - appointments must be booked in advance for the pop-up service which is running on the third Saturday of every month from 8am to 3.30pm.

Councillor Shaz Saleem, Dudley Council's cabinet member for highways and public realm, said: "The first pop-up was a tremendous success with more than 200 people coming through the gates to dispose of their household waste.

"We extended the next one to take more items, after listening to local people about how we could improve.

"We had a few issues with people not turning up which is very unfair to those people who really need an appointment. I’d simply ask people that if they no longer need their slot, just cancel it so that we can get the most out of this fantastic facility."

The council confirmed more than 70 people failed to show for their appointment on the first session.