STOURBRIDGE’S Quaker Meeting House is among a raft of venues across the borough offering a warm space this winter for people struggling to heat their homes.

The historic venue in Scotts Road, off Enville Street, is open every Wednesday, from 11am to 3pm as part of the borough’s ‘Warm Welcomes’ initiative.

Dudley CVS has worked with the voluntary and community sector to develop the network of ‘Warm Welcomes’ to help people amid the cost-of-living crisis.

Click here to see the full list of venues.

‘Warm Welcomes’ are safe and welcoming places where people and families can go to keep warm if they are struggling to heat their homes as energy bills soar.

They offer free hot drinks, activities and someone on hand to lend a listening ear if needed.

The United Church Lye in Lye High Street is also part of the network and is open from 10am to 2pm every Tuesday - not Thursday as stated in our previous round-up of ‘Warm Welcomes’.