THORNS Collegiate Academy, in Quarry Bank, has been awarded the HSBC Smart Money Award for its commitment to financial education. 

Selected from a pool of more than 500 schools across the UK, the Academy was praised for delivering a comprehensive and innovative financial literacy programme to help students develop valuable, practical life skills in money management. 

Manny Kelay, principal at Thorns Collegiate Academy, said: “I am thrilled and honoured to receive this award, which is a testament to the hard work of our staff and students. 

“At Thorns, we believe that financial literacy is an essential life skill that our students need to thrive in today’s world and are proud to be at the forefront of promoting responsible financial behaviour among young people.

“We will continue to prioritise financial education to help our students make informed decisions throughout their lives.” 

Developed in line with the national curriculum, lessons aim to build and enhance students’ financial health and capabilities. These are delivered through activities, workshops, guest-speakers and practical exercises based on real-world scenarios.  

While being tailored to provide engaging, fun and interactive learning experiences for students, lessons provide a hands-on understanding of topics such as budgeting, differentiating between needs and wants and safeguarding financial and personal information.

The academy has currently delivered financial education sessions to around 800 students within the first 12 months. 

Sarah Smith, local educational champion from HSBC UK, said: “It is so important that children are able to learn about money, and starting early can make such a huge difference.  

“Thorns Collegiate Academy is a pleasure to work in partnership with and is fully deserving of our HSBC UK Smart Money Award.” 

HSBC UK’s financial education team works with schools across the country to deliver tailored lessons and resources to young people aged three to 25 years.