SOUTH Staffordshire MP Sir Gavin Williamson has demanded immediate action to remove the decaying body of a horse that has been left in the River Stour.

The dead horse was spotted around five weeks ago by the Wordsley waterfall and - despite repeated pleas by members of the public to councils, agencies and local councillors - it still has not been removed from the water.

South Staffordshire Council, the Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust have all said there’s nothing they can do.

The situation, however, has continued to horrify passers-by - prompting Sir Gavin to call for immediate action by the Environment Agency.

He said: "It is clearly obvious that responsibility needs to be taken about this issue, as it is of course very distressing for both residents and visitors.

“I urge the EA to take immediate action to remove the horse, and I will be contacting the chief executive to ensure such action is swiftly taken."