A STOURBRIDGE woman has been jailed fo 22 years after carrying out a frenzied attack on her love rival using a carving knife hidden behind a bouquet of flowers.

Clare Bailey, aged 44, had been in a relationship with a married man - but months after it ended she took revenge on his wife, aged 43.

Bailey arrived at the family's home in Harrogate, Yorkshire, on June 23, 2022, hiding behind a Covid mask, red wig and holding a bunch of flowers disguising a carving knife.

She launched a savage knife attack on her ex's wife, repeatedly stabbing and slashing the victim to her neck, chest, stomach and arms just before 5pm.

The couple's daughter attempted to intervene but the stab and slash wounds were so severe that they have left the "innocent and blameless lady" disabled.

The attack was so vicious that the victim, referred to by police as 'Emma', is dependent on crutches and a wheelchair, and is now on disability benefits.

Bailey had travelled from her home in Pedmore after calling in sick at work.

She stopped at a local Sainsbury's store to buy the flowers she used in the attack.

After the bloodbath, Bailey left the scene by foot before getting in her car and driving back to the Midlands where she was arrested in the early hours of June 25.

She admitted attempted murder and was jailed for 22 years and four months at Leeds Crown Court on June 9.

Emma said: "I am still in pain every day and need painkillers to help with this. I use crutches to get around as I am still unable to use my right leg fully and for longer distances I have a wheelchair.

"I've lost all my independence, I couldn't go back to work, we are having to rely on disability benefits, I have just lost my whole life really, I need help with everything I do.

"I don't sleep and when I do sleep, I have flashbacks and nightmares.

"I can't imagine what my daughter went through, to witness what she did, to try and stop the attack.

"She is my hero. I honestly don't think I would still be here if she hadn't been home that day.

"Affairs happen, they aren't nice, but they happen and no-one would ever imagine something like this would be the outcome, this was not a normal reaction to someone breaking up a relationship.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who came to help on that day."

Senior Investigating Officer Jonathan Sygrove said: "This was a horrific attack on an innocent and blameless lady who is now unable to feel safe in her own home, work, or spend time independently with her children, as a result.

"Emma had to spend weeks in hospital away from her family receiving treatment for injuries which simply, should never have happened.

"All she did was open the front door to her home.

"From receiving the initial call from the ambulance service this was an extremely fast-paced investigation which led to the quick arrest and charge of the offender.

"It soon became clear the level of planning Bailey had put in place and the little regard she had for anyone getting in the way of what she wanted and I welcome the sentence handed to her."