MY dad is poorly at the moment so I have been shuffling between Stourbridge, Westminster and hospital.

I would like to thank the brilliant staff who are looking after him. He’s sat up reading newspapers now – always a good sign - but it’s a worry for the family especially my mum.

Due to this commitment, I wasn’t able to go to parliament on Monday for the debate and vote on the Privileges Committee report into the former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

In a nutshell, I respect the findings of the Privileges Committee but question some of its processes and its punishment of Boris too. I feel that was far too harsh.

I do also think the debate and any vote was a bit of a sideshow mainly for the benefit of those who oppose Boris. My view is we just need to get on with the challenges we face as a country and not continue to look back.

What I would have voted is impossible for me to say because I was not able to take part and listen to the debate but, as I said above, I do respect the committee and its work. However, one thing is certain: we need to move on. Boris is no longer the PM or in fact an MP. I hope this is the end of the matter.

I am pleased to see changes around the High Street are starting to happen with new businesses opening. We also have the West Midlands Community Cinema and Art Spaces – a not-for-profit organisation – in the process of transforming the old Chicago’s nightclub. This sort of regeneration is very welcome and it is a vote of confidence in the town centre too.

It will also be the first time local people can go to the pictures in our town since the 1980s. I will be popping along when it opens and I am pleased to see this addition to Stourbridge.

I know the new cinema will be a positive moment for the family of Ryan Passey too. It was at Chicago’s that Ryan lost his life in a stabbing in 2017. The empty building was a grim reminder of that tragedy and they have wanted to see it redeveloped.

Stourbridge’s finest Jude Bellingham is now a Real Madrid player after a huge transfer to the Spanish club.

I know many in the town are very proud of what Jude has achieved in his career and I know he will flourish in La Liga. I have sent him a letter wishing him the very best on behalf of Stourbridge. I will tell you here if I get a reply.

As ever, if you need my help then please email me at: