STOURBRIDGE MP Suzanne Webb is urging organisations and community groups to express an interest in a government initiative to expand the installation of public defibrillators.

The Department of Health and Social (DHSC) care initiative aims to help improve survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Successful applicants to the fund will be asked to match or contribute to the funding they receive. 

To express an interest click here.

Suzanne said: “Having these life-saving pieces of kit in our communities will save lives and I hope that local groups will come forward to look at whether a defibrillator could be installed.

“Right now, all that needs to happen is for a group to express an interest and once the DHSC has picked its partner, distribution of funds should progress, if match funding is in place.

“I would be happy to speak to any group who is looking to do this and offer support and advice.”

Suzanne Webb can be contacted by emailing or call 01384 370574.