STAFF at Stourbridge’s King Edward VI College have been back out on the picket line to highlight the continuing “crisis” in education.

Teachers at the Lower High Street college who are members of the National Education Union went on strike Wednesday (July 5) and will be back out on the picket line on Friday (July 7).

Union members have been walking out to highlight concerns about the sector and pay in particular.

Stourbridge News: Teachers on strike on July 5Teachers on strike on July 5 (Image: NEU)

English and media teacher Georgia Preston Sell, NEU rep at King Edward’s, said sixth form staff will have taken eight days of industrial action this academic year and she added: “This is the last thing that staff want to be doing, as we know that every lesson counts, but education is in crisis, and sixth form colleges are at the extreme end of the crisis.”

She added: “40,000 teachers left before retirement last year, the government is on track to recruit only 50 per cent of its target for student teachers and teacher vacancies are at the highest level on record.

“Education is at the heart of society. The Government must act.”