THE former owner of a deli in Stourbridge has been ordered to pay nearly £6,500 by a court after admitting a raft of hygiene offences.

Mandeep Kang, who ran David’s Deli, in Lower High Street, appeared at Dudley Magistrates Court last week.

The eatery is now under new ownership and received a two-star “improvement necessary” hygiene rating following an inspection in March this year.

While Kang was in charge, the court heard Dudley Council environmental health officers visited the premises in March 2022 for a routine inspection.

Officers found mould on the walls, a large build-up of grease and dirty cardboard on the floor and on steps in the food preparation area.

Stourbridge News: Mould on walls and dirty steps in food preparation area Mould on walls and dirty steps in food preparation area (Image: Dudley Council)

There was no working wash hand basin in the servery area and officers found risks of cross-contamination with raw shell eggs stored next to takeaway containers used for ready-to-eat foods.

Kang, of Clark Street, Ladywood, Birmingham, was interviewed and said the business had been overwhelmed due to extra demand during the Covid lockdowns. He admitted to neglecting cleaning responsibilities.

The court heard the 37-year-old no longer runs the business and is currently unemployed.

He admitted a number of food hygiene offences at court on July 26. Magistrates imposed a £5,000 fine and Kang was also ordered to pay £1,146.30 in court costs and a £190 victim surcharge.

Councillor Ian Bevan, Dudley Council's cabinet member for public health, said: "Our environmental health officers take hygiene breaches very seriously, as failure to comply can put the wellbeing of consumers at risk.

"It goes without saying that as paying customers we all have the right to expect that the food we eat is safe. When that’s not the case we will take action to protect consumers.

"This is another successful case as we strive to uphold hygiene standards across the borough, and I hope it serves as an example to other food premises."