STOURBRIDGE MP Suzanne Webb has promised to look at what can be done to improve safety on Thorns Road in Quarry Bank after a young woman was knocked down and killed in a hit and run.

The tragedy happened on Friday night (September 29) at around 8pm.

A 20-year-old woman who had been on the pedestrian crossing across the busy dual carriageway died at the scene of the incident.

Medics and passersby rushed to help but the young woman had suffered critical injuries and could not be saved.

People living nearby have since called for greater road safety measures along the notoriously fast and busy road and they’ve written to Stourbridge’s MP Suzanne Webb calling for action.

The Conservative MP said of the tragedy: “My heart goes out to the family of the woman who died, and I thank local people for contacting me about this situation in Thorns Road.

“Many people are concerned, and I share those concerns of a life lost on our roads and a community shaken to the core. Road safety is so important.

“I will be working with the West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and local councillors to look at what more can be done to improve safety and to avoid any further loss of life or injury.

“I will also be reaching out to the local campaigners who quite rightly want to see speed control measures on the Thorns Road and a safer road.

“Speed kills and we must combat the alarming and uncontrollable speeding on this road.”

West Midlands Police continue to appeal for witnesses to the incident. Anyone with any information is asked to contact police officers by calling 101 or via Live Chat on the force website, or call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.