A KINGSWINFORD care home has been given a 'Requires Improvement' rating after inspectors raised a series of failings.

Wyncroft House on Moss Grove received an overall rating of 'Requires Improvement' and was rated 'Requires Improvement' in the categories is the service safe? and is the service well-led? by the Care Quality Commission.

Inspectors visited in July after receiving "concerns" over "the management of people's nursing care needs" and published a report on November 10. 

The home, which is run by Wyncroft Care Limited, was also given a 'Requires Improvement' rating back in March 2020 and was told it must improve.

But at the new visit inspectors "found the provider remained in breach of regulations" and "also identified a new breach in relation to fit and proper persons employed."

The report published on November 10 notes "appropriate checks were not carried out to ensure staff were recruited safely."

It states: "Several staff files contained gaps in employment history, and risk assessments had not been completed for staff who had used their Disclosure and Barring Service certificate from their previous employer."

It goes on to say that "care plans contained contradictory information about how to manage people's wounds."

It adds that "topical creams were not administered as prescribed" and "there were no processes in place to ensure people's pain relief medicines were monitored."

It does raise positives including saying there were measures to stop the spread of infection and there were systems in place to protect people from the risk of abuse.

The report states: "People and relatives told us they felt safe. There were enough staff to keep people safe."

But it goes on to say that although incidents and accidents were recorded to identify trends "there was no process in place for the provider to check if actions were consistently followed up."

Inspectors said: "The systems and processes in place to monitor the service were not effective and did not consistently identify where improvements were needed."

Breaches were found in relation to safe care and treatment, fit and proper persons employed and good governance at the inspection.

Inspectors took a focussed inspection and reviewed the questions is the service safe and well-led only.

The previous ratings of 'good' for is the service caring and is the service responsive? categories and 'requires improvement' in the is the service effective? category, still stand.

The provider must now send the CQC a report stating what action it will take.

Wyncroft Care Limited owner Sukvinder Singh said: "We have addressed all the concerns in the report.

"I have spoken to the CQC inspector and we are waiting for a reinspection."