A CHRISTMAS event held at Brierley Hill’s Delph Stables is fast becoming a local festive tradition, the area’s MP has said.

The crafting and carols event, held for the second year running at the canalside venue, saw hundreds of people turn out.

The historic stables played host to Santa, with hot drinks and free craftmaking on offer.

Hosted by the Canal & River Trust, which owns the stables, the event on Sunday December 17 also included performances of Christmas songs by Brierley Hill Musical Theatre Company and singalong Christmas carols led by Albion Street Church.

Stourbridge News: Albion Street Church leading carols at the Christmas event at Delph StablesAlbion Street Church leading carols at the Christmas event at Delph Stables (Image: Cllr Adam Davies)

Dudley South MP Mike Wood said although the event is only in its second year it “is already becoming one of the loveliest local Christmas traditions”.

Gemma Coley, from the Canal & River Trust, said it was a “wonderful night” and she added: “It really felt like Christmas has arrived.

“It's lovely to see people getting involved and enjoying what we put together with the help of many others. I loved every second and I'm sure many others did too.”

Brierley Hill councillor Adam Davies, who has helped to co-ordinate the event, said: “There can't be many places where a community comes together at the canalside to sing Christmas carols, children meet Santa and make Christmas decorations inside a stable block – but ours does and the event just gets better each year.”