WE live in a time of division. We are passionate about what we believe in, but all too easily despise those we don’t agree with. Instead of asking ‘I wonder’, we can find that our mind is made up by whatever we see on social media, on TV or in our newspaper.

Social media thrives on ‘Them and Us’ sending us anything that will grab and keep our attention and sending us more and more of the things that make us angry, or sad or make us laugh.

This can be fine, or it can drive us into some dark places filled with hate and division.

Good Friday and Easter show us another way. Jesus taught us to call God ‘Abba’, which means Father. As in the Lord’s Prayer which begins ‘Our Father’. If God is our father, then that means we are all sisters and brothers. Everyone, every human being. Not just our family, friends, tribe or nation. Not just those who are like me or who I agree with. But everyone. ‘With God as our Father, one family all are we.’

How different would our world be if we could really believe and live out that truth.

We live in a hard world, and Jesus was put to death on a cross. As he died he looked at his oppressors and said, ‘Father forgive them, they know not what they do.’ Evil and hatred will never have the last word.

Forgiveness and divine love are stronger still. Jesus was crucified and died as human evil did its worst. And Jesus stands with those who suffer today. But on Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. Alleluia! Love is come again, never to be defeated!