A THEATRE company that gives disabled people the chance to perform was recently visited by Stourbridge's MP.

Suzanne Webb MP, recently dropped in to Side by Side Theatre Company on its open day.

On her visit, she saw the group perform, and even took part in a dance warm-up session.

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Miss Webb said: "I'm a huge fan of Side by Side and its work and the brilliant performances it puts on in Stourbridge and I was honoured to take part.

"It is not the first time I have visited but every time I do, I am blown away with the work I see by the people who work there and by those they help to thrive in the performing arts."

The company was launched in 1997.

It offers adults with learning disabilities a platform to improve their independent living and life skills through performing arts.

Artistic director and founder Susan Rachel Wallin MBE said: "Side by Side Theatre Company Stourbridge were very delighted when Suzanne called in.

"The company was showing examples of the kind of subjects they offer in the performing arts, to learning disabled people, throughout the week at The SideSpace; including drama, dance, music and digital media.

"The performers were doing a big dance warm up when she arrived and she had no hesitation about joining in, cowboy hat included."