A POPULAR headteacher who is retiring after more than three decades at an "amazing" school has organised a reunion for past parents and pupils.

Marcia Harris took up her first teaching post at Cradley CE Primary back in 1990 when she was just aged 20.

The 56-year-old mum-of-two is taking early retirement on July 19 and has organised a reunion at the school on Church Road, on Saturday June 22.

TanzaniaMarcia on a trip to Tanzania (Image: Handout)

Marcia, who took up the post of headteacher ten years ago, said: "I came from Birmingham, so I got off the number nine bus and rounded the corner and I could hear the children - I had a tingling feeling down my spine - I felt like it was an amazing place.

"When I started someone said to me if you don't leave within three years you will never get promoted!

"Before I go I wanted to do a reunion to get people together for a celebration.

"I've often bumped into adults I used to teach who say when will you do a reunion?

"Some of the children I teach now, I taught their parents so I can say to them I used to read this story to your parents!

Marica with former pupil Jordan Griffiths and Jordan's daughter Libby Griffiths who is at the school now Marcia has taught generations of families - she's pictured with former pupil Jordan Griffiths and Jordan's daughter Libby Griffiths who is at the school now (Image: Handout)

"I've been blessed to work here - it will leave a big hole in my heart."

There will be a DJ, a photo booth, a wander around the school for a trip down memory lane and a display of old school photographs from the 90s.

Marcia said staff have been doing surprises for her throughout the year including a Christmas video - she said she has also been getting random post-it notes of appreciation.

(Image: Handout)

Entry to the reunion, which is for over 18s, costs £10 a ticket with all proceeds going to the school.

It will run from 7pm till late.

Anyone interested can e mail mharris@cradley-p.dudley.sch.uk for tickets.