Undaunted by the holiday season at least half of the club turned out for the August meeting at the House of Magic, Brook Street.

After discussing our recent successful shows for various local charities (Mary Steven’s Hospice, Friends of Homer Hill Park & Lye’s Women’s Harmony Group) the evening moved on to more magical concerns.

John Milner produced a selection of strange and wonderful antique effects from his collection, and the members tried to work out what they were, how they worked and could they still be used with modern audiences.

Some of these truly fascinating items received answers for all three of the questions, whilst others never made it past the initial investigation.

One quite incredible prop was deemed so strange that it has prompted an enquiry to the Magic Circle’s museum as what it possibly could be!

The usual round up of new effects that members had discovered then followed. Chairman Stewart Millward particularly impressed the group by linking two solid steel nuts.

The theme for the September meeting was then set by mutual consent– magic with metallic items – and the meeting closed.

Anyone interested in joining the group should contact the House of Magic’s manager – Stuart Millward.