TWO sports stars went head to head at Merry Hill in a world record attempt to see who could make a bed the fastest.

British Heptathlete Kelly Sotherton and former England Cricketer Phil Tufnell took part in the official Guinness World Record attempt to mark the opening of Cadbury Spots v Stripes Race Season.

Stourbridge mother and son James and Sue Henning also took part in the amusing spectacle held in Fountain Square on April 9, by forming teams with the stars.

Kelly, who was on the Spot side, beat Stripe Phil by 0.8 seconds, clocking 38.01 seconds to make a bed, although she failed to break the official World Record.

Kelly said: “I am naturally competitive and always love to win so this is a great day for me. I’m obviously a bit disappointed that I didn’t break the official Guinness World Record myself, but I had a great time trying and at least I was victorious against Phil so it’s not all bad.”

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