WHEN an information board was installed in a historic Ludlow churchyard a new headstone dating back 150 years was discovered.

A new interpretation board has been installed by the Linney Gate entrance to St Leonard’s Churchyard.

The Churchyard, which provides a pedestrian link between Corve Street with Linney, is a haven for flora and fauna.

The new interpretation board includes a map of the paths winding through this special place, background history of one of Ludlow’s popular visitor sites, and information about the flora thriving safely in this historic churchyard environment. St Leonard’s is held in much affection by the people of Ludlow and continues to offer new discoveries and surprises.

Installing the new interpretation board led to the discovery of a previously unrecorded headstone from 1871 commemorating an M Green.

A new interpretation board will also be installed at the churchyard’s Corve Street entrance following repairs to the ancient entrance arch.

“These boards and other activities have been made possible because of our successful application to the Tesco Bags of Help scheme”, said John Aitken of The Friends of St Leonard’s Churchyard.

Mr Aitken and an enthusiastic working party have worked hard to improve accessibility around this historic site.

Newly laid paths and a number of carefully paced benches enable all visitors to explore more of this nature reserve at the heart of Ludlow.

A working group of The Friends of St Leonard’s Churchyard meets twice a year to help to maintain this very special space for the free enjoyment of all Ludlow’s residents and visitors. The friends also care with great respect for two War Graves nestled amongst the other graves.

To find out more about the history of St Leonards Graveyard, or would like to join in and help to maintain this significant site and resource for Ludlow, please contact: John Aitken on johnaitken01@yahoo.co.uk