HEAR!, Hear! to PO Worrall's letter re the Aldi controversy. What the anti-Aldi group seem to have lost sight of is the fact that what Wollaston residents need are shops we can afford to shop at.

And surely a supermarket situated at the entrance to Wollaston from the Stourbridge direction will tempt shoppers to shop there and perhaps have a look round to see what else Wollaston has to offer.

I have lived in Wollaston for 51 years, coming here as a newly-wed.

I have pushed my babies into Stourbridge because buses in those days did not accommodate pushchairs. I have also shopped in Wollaston when there were more grocery shops to choose from, so prices were competitive and the monopoly was not held by one store (Spar) to fix whatever prices they choose for commodities because they know we have no choice of anywhere else to shop at.

Now I am 80 and on a state pension I need to shop with care, and although I still do some of my shopping in Wollaston I only buy what I know is the same price in town. I am sure I am not alone in that respect.

So give it a rest, you anti-Aldis' Never mind the incongruous sitting' (the what?), the architectural form of the building (how do you know? It's not been built yet), and all the other superfluous reasons you keep coming up with.

We don't want something pretty to look at. We want somewhere we can shop at prices we can afford.

If it's extra traffic you are worried about then maybe you can find an alternative route between Amblecote High Street when it's being dug up so that all the extra Amblecote traffic doesn't have to clog up High Street, Wollaston, the road where I live.

In fact, if Anne White wants something useful to protest about then how about a 30mph limit in High Street and a pelican crossing mid-way between Wollaston and Amblecote. Now that's what I would call useful.

But as far as Aldi is concerned, let's get it up and serving customers.

Kathleen Smith Wollaston