IT seems that under the Blair Government we are becoming more and more a George Orwell 1984 society.

In this interfering nannying state more of our freedoms are disappearing daily.

The Government want to control what you smoke, what you drink, what you eat and what you think.

We cannot have a free discussion about religion in case some minority should be offended.

Of course someone will be offended if we have free speech.

They want the introduction of ID cards to keep even closer observation on us. Spying on what we put in our dustbins.

Isn't it getting worse than the old Soviet Union.

I used to enjoy watching Question Time on BBC 1.

You notice now how all guests must have the same soft liberal politically correct views, in a healthy country we should have all sorts of views expressed.

We are adults and make up our own minds Mr Blair.

Dean Ryan Stourbridge