READING Sunday and daily papers and also watching various TV programmes I feel sick to my stomach of what is happening to our country.

It is being completely ruined by the politicians. They are destroying our way of living and our heritage.

Mr Tony Blair promised when he was elected, that everything was going to get better. Has he kept his word? No everything has gone downhill since he's been in office.

I can't recall any time, any day, any week, any year, that there's been any joy or anything to celebrate at all. Now we hear that Mr Blair is about to sign our country (our right) without any consultation of the people of this country to Europe. Why? He had to go to the people to get elected, without them he wouldn't be where he is now. We should have a referendum on what happens to our country.

Britain is a country we should all be proud about and stand up for our rights. Britain is dying and it is sad to see. We won the last world war keeping Britain safe from enemies. What was it all for? The sacrifices that were made by our brave heroes were all for nothing because if Mr Blair has his way, he'll just simply give our beloved country away and the countries that we liberated are going to run roughshod over us.

We should come out of Europe once and for all, Britain has had enough! We were on our own during the war and for some time afterwards, and it was wonderful. But now it is a misery. Our country is no longer our own. I hope the Lion of England wakes up out of his long sleep and restores sanity out of chaos.

D Wellman Stourbridge