On June 27, we did something I have never seen in Stourbridge before.

We pitched a tent of the sort refugee families who have lost their homes and everything they own in war and disasters would use for months and maybe for years as their only shelter – in the Ryemarket in Stourbridge.

It was great to see so many people step inside the tent, see all the equipment and imagine how life could be. It was a first for us at the Rotary Club of Stourbridge as well, but we were glad of the chance to raise awareness by practical means of the charity, Shelterbox, we have supported over the years.

One lady even told us how just such a tent and such generosity had saved the life of her daughter in a far-off country.

We were also really glad to be able to raise some money for the charity, Shelterbox itself. The permit for the collection had been granted by Dudley MBC. The total collected was £333.84. There were expenses incurred of £90 in respect of permission to use the area.

We want to thank all those who showed such interest and gave to what might otherwise seem a faroff charity and cause when there are so many pressing problems closer to home.

Julia Savage

Bromwich Lane

Rotary Club of Stourbridge