VICE-CHAIRMAN Mrs Jean Corns welcomed members and one new member to the May meeting, held at the Kingfisher, Wall Heath.

We Welcomed as our speaker Mrs Monica Hartill whose subject was 17th Century dress. Monica illustrated the different modes of dress and informed us that there were no ladies of leisure in 17th Century.

Under a shift no undergarment were worn, but several layers of skirts were underneath the top dress.

A pomander was also worn to keep disease away.

Fashion did not change that much in those days. Little girls clothes were also shown and Monica informed us that nappies were called tail clout'.

Breakfast was finished by 6am and work then commenced. A very different way of life as compared with today.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Mary Jones.

Raffle prizes were won by Barbara Walker, Joan Bier and Iris Depper.

The 100 club for the Association was won by Terry Billingham.

Sue Greenaway was congratulated on becoming a Councillor.

Ann Rogers gave details about the proposed trip to Hagley Hall in August.

Next month we shall be welcoming as our speaker Mr Richard Wescott, whose subject will be A Pantomine Dame'.

New members are always welcome. If you are interested please contact Mrs Jill Griffith on 01902 372984.