TWO borough parks are expected to receive £170,000 of investment, if approved by Dudley Council’s cabinet next week.

The local authority hopes to utilise funds from local developments to make improvements at Hawbush Park and Wordsley Park.

A £90,000 investment to enable the installation of a roundabout for younger children and a multiuse games area is planned at Hawbush Park, with a design consultation set to start this spring followed by a six-month programme of work starting this autumn.

A refurbishment to Wordsley Park’s play area is also planned as part of a project with The Friends of Wordsley Park and community members.

The improvements, which will be made over the summer and autumn, will cost £80,000 and will see equipment modernised with the installation of inclusive play facilities.

The projects would be funded with monies raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which enables local authorities to raise cash from developers for infrastructure, facilities, and services in the borough.

Councillor Steve Clark, deputy leader at Dudley Council, said: "CIL funding gives developers a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the local community where they are working and is an important source of funding for the local authority.

"Local residents and park users have asked to see these improvements at Hawbush and Wordsley parks for some time and this work will see a significant upgrade to the play areas."

The council's cabinet will discuss the plans on Wednesday March 16.