DUDLEY Zoo is giving mums free admission over the Mother's Day weekend.

The special offer comes after a successful year at the zoo with lots of new babies, such as Jim and Joe the Bornean orangutans and Niffler the binturong.

A spokesman for the zoo said: "Due to popular demand, we're extending the offer for the entire Mothering Sunday weekend - Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19.

"Come and see Bornean orangutan Jazz, who’s proving to be an amazing mum and grandmother, not forgetting our fabulous first-time mothers, Flo the sloth, Lyra the giant anteater and Coco the binturong, as well as the old hands such as Josie the giraffe and Phoebe the ring-tailed lemur."

To claim the free admission, mums will need to pre-book their entry in advance online, which was initially only valid for Mother's Day, but has now been extended to include Saturday, March 18.

They must also be accompanied by a full paying child or adult and only pre-booked online tickets will be accepted on the day.