QUARRY Bank Musical Theatre Society is getting set to bring to life The Addams Family Musical.

The show will run at Brierley Hill Civic Hall from June 6 to 10.

The society recently won several awards at Birmingham’s Festival of Acting & Musical Entertainment (BFAME).

Society spokesperson Sarah Coussens said: “We pull out all the stops and invest healthily to ensure we are bringing west end quality to the local area.

“We are also a charity ourselves and donate to local causes annually.”

She said the society has managed to raise money to invest in a BSL interpreter for its Tuesday performance “to do even more to help further people enjoy local theatre by welcoming those who need this service”.

She added: “Local societies have offered this service in the past but not in recent years so we feel we're doing all we can to help the local community enjoy theatre again and build our audiences back up.”