KINVER Twinning Association completes the second stage of the 20th anniversary celebrations with a very successful visit by the French which included new hosts and first time visitors from Mer, in the Loire Valley.

'Old hands' were able to help and advise prior to their arrival and everyone was soon settled with their hosts after a warm reception.

The week commenced with the best snow this year, a surprise to both us and the French and Kinver looked particularly pretty.

The organised trips started on Monday with the Safari park and Bewdley and Tuesday was the Cotswolds.

Some of our members live in Lichfeld and they organised a splendid tour of the cathedral and the National Memorial at Alrelwas which touched everyone.

The week completed with Ludlow, the castle is always impressive and shopping in Worcester, in fact something for everyone.

No one could believe that the week had gone so quickly but everyone agreed that the highlight was the best soiree ever-with Irish dancers, hot buffet, fabulous cheese and a barn dance to cement the bonds between the hosts, visitors and association members.

During the evening there was a presentation of a superb watercolour of scenes around Mer by Nicole Le Merlus, Madame President of the Association in Mer which was kindly accepted on behalf of the KTA by Ena Ray of the Parish Council and Adrian Simm, chairman of the KTA.

It was an early start on Saturday for the return journey, with some tears and many promises to visit next year.

Traditionally the visit is at Whitsun but this has not yet been confirmed.

We are a happy band of famillies and senior members but are always looking for new members and you do not need to speak French or live in Kinver to enjoy the twinning experience.

Please give us a call Dorothy 01384 372537 or Richard 01384 373549