HEADER Jenny Edwards opened our June meeting following our usual prayers, reading and hymn.

Jenny thanked everyone who helped at the annual coffee morning which raised £361 for MU Funds. Well done everyone.

As there was no speakers for the June meeting, Jenny had prepared a subject for discussion based on MU National theme for 2008 'dealing with relationships''.

As a simple illustration for our discussion 'making time for relationships'', Jenny brought along two plants, one flourishing and vigorous, the other dying.

All relationships need nutursing, even the closest of family bonds need TLC otherwise the relationship withers and dies as did the plant which had been neglected.

This nutursing is also necessary in our most important relationship, i.e with our heavenly Father.

It ought not to be one way. God is always tending and nurtursing our relationship with him and as Christians we have to do our bit in order for that relationship to flourish and become vigorous.

It was a thoughtful and interesting discussion , though only scratching the surface' of such a huge subject.

Our thanks go to Jenny for her time and effort in preparing and leading the afternoon's subject.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, July 3

When our speaker will be Dorothy Knight on My European Sisters'

There will be no meeting during August