AT the May committee meeting the following items were discussed.

Security: It was noted that the community police are now regular visitors to the site.

The Secretary brought schedules for the Horticultural Show, to be held on 7th September at the British Legion.

New classes had been added to the schedule to encourage the youngsters on site to take part. Thanks were expressed to Tony Southall for donating marrow plants to the children on site.

Seed gift vouchers were on offer for two special classes and the Chairman had donated two trophies for Most Entries in Show and Junior Most Entries in Show. Members of the committee agreed to run the Bring & Buy stall.

Shortlisting for the DMB Allotments competition will be judged on 7th July, with plots scoring over 90 points going forward to be independently judged on 16th July.

The winners will then go through to the inter-town competition to be judged on
19th July.

Plans for the June Open Day were discussed, and thanks expressed to Stourbridge News for their covering article.

The National Society for Allotment and Leisure Gardeners had supplied funding for a banner and flyers.

A meeting of volunteers would be organised to finalise arrangements on 8th June.

It was reported that several prizes had already been donated for the tombola stall.

Risk assessments had taken place on site.

Some of the problem trees in the hedgerow had been cut back, however, hedges would now be allowed to grow until after the end of the nesting season.

Problems with the water system were discussed and it was agreed that this would be put on the next agenda.

There is a currently a significant waiting list for plots with the upturn in interest in people growing their own produce.

Anyone interested in renting an allotment in the Borough should contact Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council in the first instance on 01384 815675 or you can obtain an on-line application form from

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