ON the 8th May, we had our Resolutions Meeting.

The Resolutions to be considered this year are relating to "bottom" trawling of fish and the problems of the detainment of the mentally ill in prisons.

We welcomed Mrs. Hickman-Smith, who is a WIA, and she conducted that part of the meeting and talked us through these subjects.

There was some lively discussion and feedback from various members and the conclusion was that we would support these resolutions being put forward.

There were excellent light refreshments (thanks to Julie Willmott), a Bring and Buy sale, and the
W I Loan Collection was on display in the hall which all made for an enjoyable and very interesting night.

Our June meeting on the 12th will include a talk by Jean Dowson on "A Day in the Life of a Brigadier" to which we are all looking forward.

Some of our members will be going to Ascot on the 18th June -(fingers crossed for a fine day!) - more of that in the next report.

On July 10th we look forward to hearing from Brenda Brewer with her "Trust Me, I'm a Holiday Rep." talk and the competition for that night will be a holiday postcard.

Our August meeting takes the form of "Members' Night" or, in this year's case, "Members' Afternoon" as we are taking a coach trip to gardens at Bishops Frome.

We reconvene in the Parish Hall for our September meeting which will be on the 11th and our speaker will be Melvyn Thompson on "Carpet Mils and Tall Chimneys We hope to see all our usual members at these meetings and, if anyone feels that they would like to join us, our meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month starting at 7.30 p.m.

We also have an interesting and varied programme of events and outings planned for the rest of 2008 so do come and join us, you would be very welcome.

Our President is Toni Allison (01562 884079)
and our Secretary is Jenny Trigg (01562 884158)