MEMBERS of Lye Boys’ Brigade are stepping up to the challenge of a marathon trek to raise charity cash.

Five young men from 1st Lye Boys’ Brigade will be attempting a 94-mile hike along the Scottish West Highland Way from Milngavie near Glasgow to Fort William.

The boys will take to the highway in July with fellow members of the Boys’ Brigade based in Kidderminster, to support Acorn’s Children’s Hospice, the brigade’s national charity.

The trek will also be a big step for unit members Robert Parker, aged 17, James Pemberton, aged 16 and 15-year-olds Brandon Mulhall, Craig Crewe and Jake Chester, who are working towards the prestigious Queen’s Badge.

The Queen’s Badge is the top award available through the Boys’ Brigade, demanding a high level of dedication and commitment.

Jonathan Salter, captain of the 1st Lye unit, said: “The boys have been working their way up to this point by doing various activities including helping out at charity shops and hospitals.

“These young men are inspirational and we are very proud of them.”

The walkers, who will be carrying all their equipment, covering around 20 miles per day and camping overnight, have been preparing for their adventure with a series of shorter walks.

Their latest walk is set for Saturday March 14, when group members will be trekking around ten miles from Kidderminster to Lye.

The event will conclude with a coffee morning at The United Church, High Street, Lye, starting at 10am, where visitors will be able to make donations.

Donations will be used to buy equipment for the walk with any funds left over going to Acorns.

For more information, or to make a donation, call John Salter on 01562 863659.