The full text of Stourbridge MP Lynda Waltho’s statement on the expenses row.

“Unfortunately as the Telegraph is working from leaked and inaccurate information, the items relating to my account are not correct. For instance their quote of £1000 on electrical items does not tally with my own accounts. I can only assume that they have not checked which parts of a ‘mixed receipt’ I correctly claimed for or paid for myself. The Telegraph did not do me the courtesy of a phone call to check the accuracy of their information.

“I am disappointed also that the Express and Star chose to report my case with such emotive language and to refer to ‘being dragged into expenses row’ or ‘allegations’ is quite frankly the worst sort of gutter journalism. There are no allegations made against me and to suggest so is downright insulting. Indeed anybody who looks at my allowances will see that my claims are rather modest.

“It is accepted that most MPs require a base in London if their constituency is some distance away. Votes in the House often run past 10.30 pm and returning home each night is not sensible or possible. The costs of a bed, linen and sundry other items such as an armchair and footstool are obviously those associated with setting up a base in London and most fair-minded people would recognise that. Of course it is inevitable that only having been elected in 2005 my costs would be unfairly compared to those MPs who have been established for some years and have already made claims over more years than I.

“The cost of £1680 over a year is not excessive for eating in London. This is barely £35 a week! I have said all along that the claims I made are in line with what I would have claimed if I had been working in London for a private company for 3 or 4 nights a week, namely overnight accommodation, food subsistence and travel.

On becoming an MP I took the decision to rent a flat, I did not apply for a mortgage at tax payers' expense, never wanting to benefit financially in such a way. I have not avoided tax payments, double claimed on homes or ‘flipped’ my residence nor have I sought to profit in any other way other than receive my salary. I live in the same 3 bed semi I did before becoming an MP, drive the same Rover car, my children attend local state schools and colleges and our life is and will remain in Stourbridge. I truly believe that I have acted well within the letter and the spirit of the rules and I can look any of my constituents in the eye on all of these matters.”