STOURBRIDGE rescue cats Snowy and Tealeaf are hoping to find their purrfect partner this Valentine’s Day.

The mature moggies, who used to live on a fairground, are among 20 needy cats currently being cared for by the Stourbridge and District Branch of Cats Protection.

The female felines have been in the charity’s care since last August when their owner died.

Rob Hall, volunteer branch co-ordinator said: “Just like humans, cats are individuals with different quirks and personalities and we have cats which would suit all sorts of people.

“These 'ladies of a certain' age both have slight heart conditions; these have been checked out by our vet and Tealeaf is on medication and will need to continue to take this on an on-going basis.

“We will consider making a contribution to ongoing veterinary costs if it will help these two lovely ladies find a new home together.

“There is no denying cats make fantastic pets. They are loyal, friendly, funny and loving - so what better time of year to pick a new best friend than around Valentine’s Day?”

Anyone keen to offer Snowy and Tealeaf, or any other rescue cat, a new home can contact the branch on 0844 884 8514 or email