The October meeting was opened by chairman of the day Wendy Lloyd who welcomed all attending.

The minutes of the previous meeting, prepared by secretary Liz Moseley were signed and Josie Bunn, treasurer, gave the finance report.

Federation events include the carol service on December 14 at St Thomas’s Church, Market Street, Stourbridge and St george’s Day event on April 24 next year.

The lunch club will meet at the Glassworks, Wordsley on November 4 and the Christmas meal is booked for December 2, £11.50 to be paid at the November meeting.

There are no coffee mornings arranged as yet.

Barbara Taylor gave details of theatre outings, Guys and Dolls at the Rose Theatre, Kidderminster, Me and My Girl at Brierley Hill Civic Hall in November.

The guild will arrange a “Chocolate prize every time” tombola at the Community Centre Christmas Bazaar on December 7.

Thanks to those who have donated so far but further contributions are still needed.

The social part of the mroning then took place.

A varied selection of poems and verse were read by Betty Taylor, Liz Hubbard, Pat Hadley and Josie Bunn.

Humourous stories read by Rosemary Skidmore who also led a short bingo session which was followed by a quiz.

Rosemary gave details of a special event on October 31 at 7.30pm at the Community Cnetre entitled History of cadburys.

There will be a short talk about the Cadbury family given by Alan Thornton, before a documentary film taken in the 1950s of the family history, Bournville village and a tour of the factory.

Admission is £2.

The next guild meeting is on November 18 when George Hook will talk about Mother of Pearl.

All meetings are held at Wordsley Green Community Centre, on the third Monday every month at 10am.

New members and visitors are made very welcome.