IT was so refreshing and pleasing to read about the ban of veils and hajibs by Birmingham Metropolitan College in your September 12 issue.

I sincerely hope these bans will become more widespread to the community and indeed our country.

Indeed I understand France have been very strong and banned them entirely I hope we as a country harden up and follow suit.

I am not racist but its the principal, hajibs and veils are imposing and do create security issues.

“When in Rome” is what I say and a huge well done to Tim Crumpton for speaking out. I have friends with children who are scared of these women who cover their faces and also elderly relatives who find them intimidating.

I went to a spa some weeks ago and was horrified that four young women felt they had to dress fully in black to swim, the spa was predominantly female so my question why?

Aside from anything else, hygiene must be a consideration.

It's absolutely right as the article quotes “Why should someone have to feel they need to hide behind a veil in a society that values both sexes?”

C Davies Stourbridge Editor’s note: The college has since rescinded the ban.